how to get a grant

The Secrets of Finding Grants and Grant Writing

Kindle Edition

Thisis a fundamental guide adapted to the grantors’ interests. It will be an ideal guide in the world of grants for anyone seeking grant support for their projects. Whether you are a representative of a business, an NGO, an academic institution, or an individual working on your own ideas, this guide will help you get a grant of any size, regardless of the amount you need for your projects — only USD 1,000 or millions.

In this book, you will find:

  • Strategies for finding relevant grants among thousands of different grant programs around the world
  • Practical recommendations on adapting your idea to the grantor’s priorities
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to write grant proposals and prepare budgets for them
  • Tactics of increasing your chances to get a grant
  • Samples of documents that win grant competitions: a general grant application form, a letter of inquiry (LOI), a cover letter, and a project abstract.

This book will be helpful both for beginners who are just starting their way to grants and experienced professionals who want to improve their skills. It will become your pathfinder in the complex world of grants, help you master the skills of writing successful grant applications, and implement your projects.

The author of the book is Mariana Kobelia-Zvir, PhD in Economics, a grant writer and a prominent expert in the field of grants and international technical assistance. She is the founder of the leading grant consulting company in Ukraine, the Development Centre TIME OF CHANGE (CHAS ZMIN). She has helped her clients obtain over USD 27 million in grants. She is a recipient of the Quality Mark Award and one of the TOP 100 Successful Women of Ukraine.

During her career, Mariana has written over 100 scientific articles on various aspects of grantmaking. She is the author of several bestselling books on grants. Her publications are used as teaching materials in educational institutions worldwide and at the School of Grant Research, which she founded. Mariana’s scientific works on grants form the basis for scholars’ research in the international community.

Мар’яна Кобеля-Звір

Експертка у сфері грантових можливостей

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